Hans Tröbinger - Healing Testimony

How Jesus Healed My Lower Back Pain (Thoracic and Cervical Vertebrae)! (July 2007)

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My name is Tröbinger Hans and I had a pain in my thoracic and cervical vertebrae for about 14 days, which I had contracted during an accidental physical exercise.

Since the pain did not stop, I decided to consult a Lehner (bone setter) at the next opportunity.

The 6 th of July 2007 was a Friday of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and since I was on holiday for the next 14 days, my family and I decided to go to Guntersdorf.

After a two-hour drive we arrived in Guntersdorf. At 8.00 a.m. there was Holy Mass followed by a prayer of blessing with the laying on of hands. I knew Father Ludwig Maria through my father, and when it was my turn, Father Ludwig Maria came to me with a smile, took my hands and said, "Griaß di` Hans" (Hello, Hans). I also greeted him with a smile. Then he laid his hands on me and at the same moment I was allowed to rest in the Holy Spirit for a few seconds, sank to the floor, being supported from behind by a helper. Immediately afterwards I woke up again, and I also felt my back pain. But this time it was different. I felt a knot (or like a fist) pulling all the pain together from all sides, with strings. The pain became lighter and lighter as I walked back to my seat. I thanked Jesus for it, and when my wife came back to the seat, I said to her with a grin on my face, "My back pain is gone!" I felt the pain leave and by the time we drove back home I was free of pain in my cervical and thoracic vertebrae.

Thank you Jesus and Father Ludwig Maria!

With kind regards
Tröbinger Hans

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