Testimony by Sabine Pamminger from Upper Austria
Testimony about a Great Healing (2005)
It is high time that I give testimony about my great healing! My name is Sabine Pamminger and I was at a retreat for inner healing with Father Zacharias in October 2005 at the "Haus am Sonntagsberg" in Lower Austria.
My husband and I had been married for 9 years at the time, but were still childless. I underwent many examinations, also did hormone cures, but was not ready to have artificial insemination done. I attended three retreats in 2005 (two of them with Father Zacharias), went on a pilgrimage and then did the retreat.
I had never been on a retreat before and was totally enthusiastic. On the last but one day of Adoration, Jesus said to Father Zacharias: A FAMILY WILL HAVE A CHILD. My sister-in-law, who had also come, immediately said, that's you. I just couldn't believe it and still doubted it very much. I had severe hormonal disorders and only very rarely had a menstrual period. One week after we returned home I had my period right away, and 2 weeks later I became pregnant !!!!!
On the 5th of August 2006 (my aunt told me that this is the birthday of the Mother of God), a Saturday to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I gave birth to a healthy daughter.
I also went to retreats with Fr Zacharias later, but never dared to go to the front and give testimony of my miraculous healing. My sister-in-law said to me that it is absolutely necessary to give testimony of a healing!
I ask Jesus with all my heart to accept my written testimony and my daily thanksgiving!
Many greetings
Sabine Pamminger from Upper Austria