Founder of the Segenskreis:

Br. Gabriel Hüger Sam. FLUHM
Kloster Hafnerberg 13
A-2571 Altenmarkt a.d. Triesting


Domain owner and Webmaster:

Gerhard Obermann
Schlossallee 160
A-2020 Sonnberg


Our offer includes links to external websites of third parties, on whose contents we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot assume any liability for these external contents. It is always the respective provider or operator of the pages who is responsible for the contents of the linked pages.


When creating our Internet pages, we respected the copyrights of third parties. Should you nevertheless determine any copyright infringements, we kindly ask you to inform us. We will then remove these contents immediately. We will reject as unfounded the costs of an adhortatory letter by a lawyer without prior contact with us, in the spirit of the duty to mitigate damage.

Hyperlinks to our website are welcome. The integration of individual pages of our website into external frames is not permitted.

Content-Management-System Joomla! version 3.9.8, PHP-version: 7.4.14
Joomla! is free software published under the GNU/GPL-licence.

Contact Form Br. Gabriel

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Contact Form Daniel Huber

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Contact Form Webmaster

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Contact form Br. Dr. Andreas Vincenz RAGER

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