Blessing of the House

O Mary, Immaculate Virgin and Mother of God, Mary of Victory, conqueror of all evil.
In the name of the Holy Trinity, conquer all evil in our house: sickness, misery, fear and weakness. Defeat also discord, jealousy, discord, hatred, envy and enmity.
Bless all the people who live in this house and go in and out of it.

Let the peace of God come to everyone who comes, to everyone who stays, and to everyone who leaves.
Bless and protect this house from burglary, theft, fire, lightning, collapse, flood and war.

Give us abundantly pure, healthy, clear water, and let it be for the salvation of body and soul for all who enjoy it.

In the name of God the Father, in the name of God the Son and in the name of God the Holy Spirit.
(Sprinkle the Holy Water on all four cardinal directions!)

3 x Hail Mary

3 x Glory be to the Father

Finally: Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who take refuge in you.

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